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How many wigs do I need?

13th Feb 2022

How Many Wigs Will I Need?A wig is, simply put, an article of clothing and wears out whether it be human hair or synthetic hair. If an individual needs to wear a wig full time everyday, they will need more than one. Look at it this way, if you have "only" one outfit in your closet and you wear that one outfit everyday, full time, it will put a great deal of wear and tear on it just from wearing it, washing it, perspiring, etc... After a few months you will begin to notice this. If you compare that same out fit to a new one after 3 months, you will see the difference between them. Human hair and synthetic hair is a very fine material which can be compared to silk or lace. On average, based on full time wear, a person will go through 3-4 synthetic wigs or 1-2 human hair wigs per year. They will begin to fade, loose the elasticity and look frazzled and dry. You should plan according to the amount of time that you will be wearing a wig. For example, let's say that you are going through chemotherapy treatments for 4 months. Once the chemotherapy is finished, it takes approx 2 months for the hair to begin growing back normally then it grows approx 1/2" per month. So in 10 months, you will have approx 4" of hair and will be thrilled with having your own hair back even if it's shorter than you'd like. So between the chemotherapy and the growing out period, you are looking at 10 months of wearing a wig. This would mean approx 2-3 wigs. The reason that it is so important to plan this way is as follows. A wig should be worn for a week and a half to two weeks then shampooed and conditioned and the second wig worn for the same amount of time then shampooed and conditioned, then the third, etc. The reason for rotating your wigs is that this way they will wear out evenly and unnoticeable. If you were to wear one wig every day for 3 months and hold it up to a new one, you will see the difference and most importantly, others will clearly notice. If you are dealing with permanent hair loss, you should always be rotating between 4 synthetic wigs and at least 2 human hair wigs. When one begins to look worn, simply add another into rotation and eliminate the worn ones.